While running errands today, I saw two women and two boys planting a cross beside the U.S. 158 bypass in Kill Devil Hills, N.C.
I stopped to talk and learned the cross marks the site where Victor Wilson of Kill Devil Hills was fatally injured on his motorcycle in May 2010. The boys are Wilson's sons, who were 13 and 6 when he died. Planting the cross was the family's Father's Day observance.
Here's the original Virginian-Pilot account of Wilson's death, which credits police as saying that a pickup-truck driver leaving the Outer Banks Brewing Station across the highway pulled in front of Wilson's Harley about 7:30 p.m. on May 21, 2010. "Charges are pending," says the story, but I find no follow-up online.
Here's the online obituary, courtesy of Twiford's Funeral Home in Elizabeth City, N.C.
The new cross is in the corner of the Captain George's lot on U.S. 158, a.k.a. South Croatan Highway, at the Goddard Avenue intersection. We drive by dozens of such markers every day; every one is a story.