Sunday, February 18, 2007

B&B Country Meats

Allow me to put in a plug for B&B Country Meats in the Wrights Crossing neighborhood of Frostburg, Md., where I stock up once a week on that marvelous local delicacy, Engle's Bologna.I am told that Engle's Bologna originated on the Engle farm just west of town. It tastes more like salami than bologna. It seems a shame to hide the taste by putting it on a sandwich with mustard and cheese; I eat it thick-sliced on Triscuits. In season, you can get deer bologna at B&B, too.B&B Country Meats is on Route 936, a.k.a. Upper Georges Creek Road, at the foot of Welsh Hill. From I-68, take the Route 36 exit toward town, then the first left onto Cherry Lane, then turn right at the stop sign.


  1. Anonymous9:52 PM

    You can also order a meat platter from B&B two days before Christmas when three extra family members decide to show up.

  2. Anonymous2:34 PM

    They make the best Engles Bologna, there are other places to get it but no one else taste quite like B & B's maybe being a decendant from the Engles family has something to do with it.

  3. Anonymous4:08 PM

    It is my understanding that Engles is THE ORIGINAL Frostburg Bologna, however as it's reputation grew, others began copying Frostburg Bologna and a Cumberland based company trademarked the name Frostburg Bologna, thus prohibiting the originator from using the name.

  4. Heather12:15 PM

    I visit my family in Frostburg over the holidays and we always make a point of picking up a couple of sticks of Engles Bologna. This year I was smart enough to pick up an extra stick that I froze and mailed back to Florida. I've shared this delicacy with my friends down here and I think I'll be taking orders and sending home a lot more next year (that is if I want to have any to eat for myself!)

  5. I love this bologna. I'm originally from Cumberland but now live in Iowa. The only time I can get this is when we have family visiting from Cumberland. Does anyone know if I can order this on-line and have it shipped to me?

  6. Anonymous6:53 PM

    We ate Frostburg Bologna on white bread with ketchup. Great memories.

  7. Anonymous1:22 PM

    My Grandfather was friends with the old gentleman who made the original recipe, I have a copy of it in my recipe book, it's easy to make but, I still buy some anytime I go home for a visit.

  8. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Does anyone know if they ship?? Used to make detour from Pa pike down to B&B on way home from Cleveland to Clinton Md, just to buy 2 or 3 sticks of Engles Beef. Now retired and living in Ocala fl.

  9. Larry8:32 AM

    going back to the 50s, I remember LOTZ BOLOGNA, which I always thought was the original, made just above the filtration plant, where Frostburg Memorials now operates.

  10. Anonymous8:43 AM

    I'm 64 now....Although I lived in Hagerstown, MD, I grew up on Frostburg Bologna. My father was born and raised on Frost Avenue in Frostburg. I remember driving up a very windy Route 40. It took at least 2 hours to get to Cumberland, and then another half hour up the mountain to Frostburg. My father would always buy several long sticks...they were about two feet long and 3" in diameter. The meat was speckled with white...I'm assuming it was fat...but in those days, I didn't care what it was. I agree that it was best eaten by just slicing off a hunk and eating it. A store on South Potomac Street in Hagerstown, just before you got to South Potomac Jr. High, used to sell it in later years,we didn't have to make the drive... I did a Google search and couldn't find it....well, so much for reminiscing!
