Wednesday, March 07, 2007


On Saturday, Feb. 17, Sydney, Lily and I drove north to the Animal Angels no-kill shelter in Mount Pleasant, Pa., and -- after he met with Lily's approval -- brought home our latest member of the household, a terrier mix. About a half-hour after we made his acquaintance, as we were pulling into a Burger King, Sydney decided that his name probably was Arlo, and she turned out to be right. He even answers to it, now.

Lily's a bit jealous, but mostly they get along fine, and they even share the living-room sofa much of the afternoon, doing their best to sleep despite the paparazzi.


  1. Dead of cuteness! Awwwwwww...

  2. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Congratulations on the newest member of the Duncan family! Looks like the "Adopt a dog, lose a couch" proverb is true once again.

    Andy W.

  3. He's adorable! I'm glad he found a nice home.
