Drop whatever you are doing,O'Neal and Schadt performed "This Land Is Your Land," which Woody wrote, and "Lonesome Road Blues," which he inherited, as did we all: Woody sang it as "Goin' Down the Road Feeling Bad" and, to fit the omnipresent wind motif of Dust Bowl Ballads, as "Blowin' Down the Road."
Stop your work and worry, too;
Sit right down and take it easy,
Here comes Woody and Lefty Lou.
This is a blog by Andy Duncan, a fiction writer, teacher and journalist, mostly in that order.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Woody lives
I am pleased to read in today's Cumberland Times-News that first-place winners in this year's Allegany County History Day competition included Allegany High School students Derek O'Neal and Emily Schadt as Woody Guthrie and his radio partner Maxine "Lefty Lou" Crissman.
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