Friday, February 22, 2008

"Unique Chicken" is a Nebula nominee

My story "Unique Chicken Goes in Reverse," from Jonathan Strahan's anthology Eclipse One, is a Nebula Award nominee. Here's the complete ballot at the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America site. (Thanks to my fellow nominee Judith Berman for providing the link.)

I am tickled and humbled, and I congratulate all my fellow nominees, in all the categories. I'm honored to share a ballot -- indeed, a field -- with each of you.


  1. Anonymous2:43 AM

    Congratulations! Great story.

    Jeff Ford

  2. CONGRATULATIONS ANDY! I just saw that you're a FINALIST for the award. You've certainly got the best title! :-)

    Here's wishing you all the best. See you at ICFA, I hope.

    Mike Arnzen

  3. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Congratulations, Mr. Duncan!

    Great title for your next collection [hint, hint]!


    Bruce Chrumka
    Calgary, Canada

  4. Congrats, Andy! Well deserved, even moreso if you win! Definitely one of my favorites of yours!
