Sunday, April 15, 2007

More on the Heimlich-performing golden retriever

The Maryland woman who says her golden retriever, Toby, saved her life -- by performing the Heimlich maneuver -- now is in the April 16 issue of People magazine, posing with the happy dog, of course.

Scott Goss of the Cecil Whig, which broke the story, has an interesting post on the media frenzy:
I’ve fielded literally dozens of phone calls and e-mails this week from nationally televised programs, radio stations and local news programs eager to declare Toby a hero. ... But somehow it seems like a shame that no one from "The Oprah Winfrey Show" or "Good Morning America" has ever called to ask about the paramedics, firefighters or police officers who risk their lives to help people every day. I can say with certainty that those heroes know exactly what they’re doing.

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